raising parents

How to Raise Awesome Parents: A Guide by the World’s Coolest 5-Year-Old

Hey, grown-ups! It’s me, the little 5-year-old mastermind who’s about to spill the beans on how to raise you guys (the parents) properly. I’ve been observing you guys for quite some time, and I think it’s high time you get a taste of your own medicine. Buckle up because here’s my foolproof guide on how…

best books for first-time moms

10 Best Books for First-Time Moms: A Must-Read Guide for New Parents

We all know first-time moms have it the hardest. Going through pregnancy and childbirth is hard enough but no one really prepares you for what comes after! While it’s certainly a beautiful and memorable journey, it does come with its share of uncertainties and twists and turns. Thankfully, there are numerous books available that offer…

negative parenting

All About The Negative Parenting Test

There is no doubt about the immense impact parenting style has on children. Parents are the first human interaction a baby has after being born. It could be a significant differentiating factor between a confident and self-assured child or an insecure and possibly aggressive one. The behaviors that children acquire from home ultimately shape their…