image showing importance of love and family
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The Importance of Love and Family in Raising Children

As generations and parenting styles are evolving, the importance of love and family in raising and nurturing children is slowly getting the attention it deserves. Raising children can be a challenging and intricate task that requires a considerable amount of time, effort, and resources. However, despite the difficulties, it’s also one of life’s greatest joys….

neurodivergence in children
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Neurodivergence in Children

Why has this world created a control or standard for normalizing things? Anything or anyone that deviates from the control is considered abnormal, irregular, unhealthy, or whatever word fits in according to the type of thing or person we are talking about. Likewise, behavioral issues that are pronounced “misfit” for a certain person, could be…

boy being bullied
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All About Bullying: Effects On Children And How To Prevent It

We have all experienced bullying in our lives in one form or another, whether as a child or as an adult. Sometimes at our schools, and other times in the safety of our own homes. Sometimes we have been the victim, and at other unfortunate times, the bully. Regardless of the age, place, or extent…

having the talk

Welcoming Puberty: Having the Talk With Your Growing Child

As much as we’d like to believe otherwise, our children are constantly bombarded with explicit content. Children see and hear a lot about topics around puberty and how often it is associated with sex, infatuations, and body image. By the time children reach the age of puberty themselves, they may have vague ideas about what…

father and son - Autism Journey
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Raising Sulayman – The Journey of a Dad Raising an Autistic Son

Sulayman is my firstborn and the kid that gave me the privilege of being called “Dad”. As much as we like to think of all our kids equally, that feeling you get from your first child is unique. For the first 12 months, he seemed like a typical newborn, but after about 14 months, Sulayman…

separated man and woman

Changing the Thought Process On Divorce: What You Should Teach Your Daughters

Women have somehow been subconsciously trained since childhood to think of everyone else before they think of themselves. Forget divorce, even before they decide to choose a career path, for instance, they think: Will my parents approve of this? Will society approve? Will I get a good rishta (proposal)? Will my husband let me work…

Rtd Chief Justice Sajjad Ali Shah and son

Raised By The Highest Ranking Judge in The Country

My oldest memory is coming to Karachi when my father became a judge of the Sindh High Court. I was two years old and this was 1978. Pakistan was under Martial Law rule and General Zia ul Haq was the Chief Martial Law Administrator, the Chief of Army Staff, and the President of the country….

Raising Young Entrepreneurs

Raising Entrepreneurs: How I’m Raising My Daughter

I have six kids. Yes, that still sounds crazy when I say it. We never knew we wanted six kids; we just never felt complete until then. However, on the way home from the hospital with the sixth, I looked at my wife and said, “I think we’re done now.” She replied, “I was done…

teenagers and social media

Raising Teenagers in The Wake of COVID-19: How is Social Media Helping Teens Cope?

While the COVID-19 pandemic may be viewed for all its negatives, having their parents at home and spending more time with parents/family was declared as a positive by children, when asked what they had enjoyed the most during the pandemic. However, this is true majorly for younger children. For adolescents and teenagers, it is a different…