mom and son

Raising Threenagers

Let’s be honest. How many of you were familiar with the term “threenagers”? While it may totally seem like I have created it out of sheer frustration, but if you are a first-time mom, struggling with the “terrible twos” that is widely notorious, I beg your pardon before I burst your bubble and introduce you to…

family photo

Expat Parenting – A Not-so-smooth Process!

As exciting as it may sound, expat parenting comes with its fair share of struggles. Not that it consists entirely of struggles and no benefits, but the fact that the transition for parents may be challenging, totally hinders the process of excitement. A sensibly made decision of moving abroad for whatever prospects is obviously well sought after….

father and sons

The Role of Fathers in Raising Emotionally Intelligent Boys

The Link Road case has shaken all of us to our cores as we come to grips with the realization that women and children are not safe from “toxic masculinity” that prevails in the form of rape culture in our society.  On many parenting forums, I’ve witnessed people calling on mothers to step up to…

family of three

Raising Gentlemen: From the Diary of a Funny Woman

Where do I start? I belong to a family of five siblings including myself. My eldest sister got married at a very early age, I was barely 10. Surrounded by three rowdy boys, I became a tomboy. The only difference was my parents instilled manners in me and skipped teaching manners to the boys. I…

raising autistic children
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Raising Children on the Spectrum

This June, my eldest son, who has an autism diagnosis, turned 10. He had received his diagnosis when he was around 3 years old. Initially, the diagnosis comes as a shock. One feels numb and goes into denial. This is a natural reaction before one reaches the acceptance stage. A lot of questions and ideas…

mom with children

From the Diary of a Second-time Mommy

When I became a mother for the first time more than four years ago, I was always under pressure to be perfect. It’s not like people were pressurizing me. It was just me. I wanted everything to be textbook-perfect. A perfect “normal” delivery. An exclusively breastfed child. Everything on schedule. Baby comes first. No to the…

tolerant children

Raising Tolerant Children: The Importance of Teaching Tolerance

I have been keen on raising tolerant children since Zaviar, my firstborn, came into this world. The world we live in today needs a lot of tolerance and a lot more kindness than it already has. Thankfully, we are getting there because more and more people are becoming more aware and teaching tolerance to their children….

sad boy because he is in an unsafe environment

What is Considered an Unsafe Environment for a Child?

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about what is considered an unsafe environment for a child? Is it predators and child molesters? Is it pedophiles and people with guns? Is it physical and verbal abuse? Yes, you’re spot on! It’s all of these. But all this comes so much…

happy family

So What Exactly is Respectful Parenting?

Respectful parenting means to seek to establish a relationship with our children instead of trying to control them. It’s the idea that simply put- love is enough! But what does that mean exactly? Learn in this article. History of Parenting Never hug and kiss [your children]. Never let them sit on your lap. If you…