female cartoon character

Introducing Strong Female Cartoon Characters to Children

In a world that is still predominantly male-dominated, it is crucial to expose children to strong female cartoon characters as role models from an early age. Cartoons and animated movies have the power to shape children’s perceptions and beliefs, and by showcasing inspiring female characters, we can empower young minds and promote gender equality whether…

asymmetrical head shape

Understanding Your Baby’s Asymmetrical Head Shape: A Guide for First-Time Parents

When we become parents for the first time, we are as confused as we are elated at the birth of our most prized possession. We sit and marvel at every little detail and often get worried about little things like the skin being too dry, the hands and feet being cold or the newborn having…

boys will be boys

Busting Boys Will Be Boys: How to End the Mentality

For generations, the phrase “boys will be boys” has been used to excuse behavior typically associated with boys and men, including aggression, roughhousing, and even harassment or assault. However, this phrase perpetuates harmful gender stereotypes and excuses unacceptable behavior. It is essential that we move beyond this mentality and instead focus on promoting healthy and…

best books for first-time moms

10 Best Books for First-Time Moms: A Must-Read Guide for New Parents

We all know first-time moms have it the hardest. Going through pregnancy and childbirth is hard enough but no one really prepares you for what comes after! While it’s certainly a beautiful and memorable journey, it does come with its share of uncertainties and twists and turns. Thankfully, there are numerous books available that offer…

image showing importance of love and family
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The Importance of Love and Family in Raising Children

As generations and parenting styles are evolving, the importance of love and family in raising and nurturing children is slowly getting the attention it deserves. Raising children can be a challenging and intricate task that requires a considerable amount of time, effort, and resources. However, despite the difficulties, it’s also one of life’s greatest joys….

boy wondering how are babies made

What to say when kids ask: How are babies made?

When young children, particularly toddlers, ask about how babies are made, it can be a bit daunting to know how to respond. As a parent or caregiver, it’s important to approach this topic with sensitivity and honesty, while also keeping in mind your child’s age and level of understanding. Remember, nearly every kid has asked…

neurodivergence in children
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Neurodivergence in Children

Why has this world created a control or standard for normalizing things? Anything or anyone that deviates from the control is considered abnormal, irregular, unhealthy, or whatever word fits in according to the type of thing or person we are talking about. Likewise, behavioral issues that are pronounced “misfit” for a certain person, could be…

8 stem activities

8 STEM Experiments and Why You Should Do Them With Your Kids

Like all mothers, I always wanted my child to learn more. I did not just want him to know the answers but I also wanted him to know which questions to ask and how to think critically when a problem is present. For this purpose, I always wanted my son, Musa, to get a STEM…